Providing professionals with quality accommodation | Vauban&Fort
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Posté parVaubanFort
janvier 18, 2024 11:58 am

Providing professionals with quality accommodation


Vauban&Fort is now part of the Paperjam+Delano Business Club! “For house owners, we manage their properties, add professional cleaning and maintenance as well as a dedicated property manager all free of charge…We provide a complete solution for their housing needs, which is hassle-free and does not cost anything”

“One of our key reasons to join the business club is the connections we seek with business owners, HR departments or managers of international businesses.

These are some of the highlights mentioned by our founder and CEO Jerome R. Ensch, Ph.D.

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The Paperjam+Delano Business Club welcomes a new member: Vauban&Fort. Introduction in three questions.

Can you summarise your company’s activity in a few words?

Jerome Ensch. – “We are one of the pioneers of coliving in Luxembourg since 2015. Vauban&Fort provides quality accommodation for international professionals. At heart, we are community builders. The average stay of our tenants is about 18 months, which substantially helps businesses with staff retention. For owners, we manage their properties, add professional cleaning and maintenance as well as a dedicated property manager all free of charge.”

You have just joined the Paperjam+Delano Business Club. What are your reasons for joining?

“One of our key reasons to join the business club is the connections we seek with business owners, HR departments or managers of international businesses. We provide a complete solution for their housing needs, which is hassle-free and does not cost anything. Our goal is to have access to a large amount of individuals who help us create real homes. We are also very interested in networking and talking to other businesses to understand their challenges and thereby better serve the community.”

What are you looking for? And what do you think you can offer to the members you will meet there?

“We are looking to meet decision-makers and assist with staff retention by offering attractive housing solutions that are fast and affordable and at the same time also integrate members in a larger network of like-minded individuals. Making one single friend at work or outside is a proven driver that makes people stay longer and live more fulfilled lives. We help business by taking away their pressure points in relation to accommodation and the arrival of new (and existing) staff.”

Nous avons plus de 15 ans d’expérience dans la colocation pour professionnels à Londres, New York et Luxembourg.

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